
Art Leaks

Calling all artists

Tesla is constructing a new mega-huge factory in Berlin called the Giga Berlin. For its completion founder Elon Musk has called out for all graffiti artists to submit their works to adorn the exterior walls. Architecturally speaking the walls are colossal and smooth, mouth watering for any artist to get those hands on. As a collateral effect, a wave of memes that mock the business magnate have spread across the internet, lol.


Throwups or throwies could be considered between tagging and piece in terms of complexity. They are one, or maximum two colored letters that normally have a fill and outline. Quickly paintable, making them the writers choices when bombing.


Stickers like “HELLO MY NAME” IS where you write your tag in the blank space (hey, look on the top left of your screen!) and other forms of writer personalized adhesive papers is a quick way to leave one’s mark. They’re normally found on the back of street signs, poles, electric boxes and more with smooth surfaces but not necessarily flat.



Hello to crypto art and NFT




Vandal peeps in Brasil have come up a new kind of graffiti. They 3D printed a miniature water tank then applied fake rust and painted it ruined to give an abandoned look. Then tagged with markers and paint.

Two thumbs up for DIY micro legal vandalism!




KRINK. They basically grew up with NY’s Graffiti/Tagging movement itself. Specialized in ink and paint markers they started off with basic throwie colors and now they have a wider but still a compact selection, strictly graffiti orientated. Their markers let you control just as you want how drippy or clean you write.  Kudos for packaging design and it’s always a plus that their ink come in large quantities compared to other brands.

The special products line are eye opening and KRINK has managed to put together rad items with the most unexpected organizations!



Japan famous for its calligraphy culture (remember Kanji tattoos were a thing in the 2000’s?) and its leading supplies brand is Kuretake. In an average Japanese household you are to find at least one Kuretake pen, it’s that common. The company started off producing inksticks back in 1902, so it has history, experience the authenticity.

Let’s focus on their FUDE PEN line, which are calligraphy brush pens. For those who are looking for the real calligraphy feel you should go for the Bimoji Fude Pen, which emulates that real bamboo made writing tool.
As the FUDE PEN line mainly comes in black, they also have a creativity line aimed for writers and calligraphers with 90 colors to choose from.

From inksticks to vibrant colored calligraphy designed brush pens unleash your wildest calligraphic fantasies with Kuretake!



Welcome to the 21st century!
3D printed graffitis are really something else. Every single stroke is captured precisely then reproduced as a plastic sculpture.

Source CULTS3D

Quirky supplies from the East!

Fadebomb, an online graffiti supplies store based in Japan manages to fulfill those niche necessities of the art.
Besides the extensive variety of graffiti utensils, have a look at their original nibs, caps and markers.
There are these multi headed cap adapters and multi colored nib markers that surely whet your spraying and tagging appetite!!

Oh Japan, please never change..


Graff Leaks


A hard core photographer called NINJA K teamed up with the living legend Martha Cooper, and they documented one of the most anonymous, elusive and secretive crews of our times: 1UP.  The photos in the book, ONE WEEK WITH 1UP capture their breath panting speed and adrenalin bursting.  The two photographers knew exactly what they need to do when taking pictures that do justice to vandalism of excellence.

Public bragging

Tagging and getting your writer name across ANONYMOUSLY is one of the fundamental features of pure graffiti.  In Kent, UK a writer bragged on his own social network page (presumably his personal page and not even under his writer name) that he tagged around the town, which lead to arrest and serving one year of prison….First comes anonymity…second comes anonymity,  right?

Vandal on the run

In Palma de Mallorca, Spain an anti-graffiti force is after a writer called OLDER. The vandal’s tags have been spotted in 85 places across the town and is most likely to face a hefty fine. Dude, you’ve been caught on CCTV! 

Invincibility Ticket

LOCKDOWN: a temporary invincibility ticket for graffiti writers in Auckland New Zealand. The number of tags and graffiti have bursted this period due the restricted mobility. Plus, the council can’t contract workers to clean them up until the alert level goes down to level 3 (currently at level 4). 

Robots VS Vandals

Creepy as shXt. National Highways have recently announced that after a competition backed by the UK government, robot forces will be implemented to tackle graffiti on their railways. Audio sensory robots that will detect graffiti writing noises, AI fueled robots that trigger “deterrents”, wall climbing robots that will apply anti-graffiti paint that prevent paint adhesion…Robots VS Human (vandals)! 

Man on the run

Modern day, bounty hunting (ok not really as there are no rewards) ! Hull, UK’s police has made an official announcement asking for any information on the writer with the tag WEL or WELDER due to his continuous vandalistic act in the zone. They are looking for you!

Vandalism or Art

Many of you may have heard about Banksy’s new graffiti piece in Cromer, UK. But did you know that an offensive graffiti was written just above so it was removed? They did the right thing because offensiveness is a big no in genuine writing, but we wonder if they would have still cleaned it up if it were just a simple tag. That would have created quite a contrast: Banksy and tagging both illegal but “Bansky = art” so it’s okay but “graffiti = vandalism” so no… 

Rock on Graffiti Granny!

Graffiti Granny strikes in Goodwood, Australia. Ms. Mary Kolusniewski, 75 was held guilty for damaging 5 street signs with “WTF” as a protest against the speed humps and one lane choke points, which according to Graffiti Granny disrupted the beautiful aesthetics of the street. She will need to pay a fine but no community service due to her physical conditions. She even has pink hair, rock on Graffiti Granny!

Grow up idiot

“Grow up idiot” were the exact words which mayor Sarah Millor of Henley, UK used to describe a writer who has been vandalizing various street signs in town. At this point it would have made more sense if she’d just defaced his tags with these words! lol

A landmark gone….

Toady we have a sad announcement to make… In Liverpool, UK a famous graffiti covered toilet has been replaced with tourist attractions….another work of art and history has been demolished…:(

The real underground

Tel Aviv Israel’s railway is not yet functioning but it’s already underground culturally vibrant! Some graffiti enthusiasts find their way in and has adorned the tunnels with graffs.

Vandals of elementary school

Cádiz, located in the south of Spain is where a group of 3rd grade kids became writers. Okay maybe not exactly…but after a year of lock downs due to the global health crisis an elementary school wanted to offer some kind of extra-extracurricular activity to their students: they painted the school wall with the words “Solidarity, Respect, Equality and Coexistence”. However the Municipality announced that “since it is visible from the exterior it needs to be removed as it doesn´t comply with municipal regulations”. Wow, did these 8 year old kids just vandalize their own school unintentionally!?

SMILE for the camera!

The city of Coventry is going bananas with SMILE. Shutters, fences, walls or whatever surface the tagger can get his hands on he is there. Store owners and landlords hate him but some locals are liking his positive messages in strange times like this. They also managed to capture a footage of him whilst tagging a wall. Watch out man!


a completed work that has more than 3 colors (so not tags or throwies). It can also mean a masterpiece.


The inside area of letters that are “filled in” with colors as opposed to outlines.
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